Kita berada di jalan persimpangan, menunggumu untuk datang
padaku, menunggumu untuk sekedar menoleh di tengah hiruk pikuknya kasibukanmu,
aku selalu menunggu di sudut sana, meski kau anggap aku sebagai bayang-bayang
tak mengapa, meski kau anggap aku sebagai sosok penggembira aku pun terima. Dan
aku masih di sudut sana, menunggumu menyadari kehadiranku. Kadang inginku
beranjak, meninggalkanmu yang mengabaikanku, tapi bagaimana jika aku berbalik,
lalu kau menoleh padaku melempar senyummu?
Harapan harapan menjadikanku lemah, menjadikanku tetap bertahan meski
kadang aku hanya memperoleh harapan kosong. Kini hanya menunggu waktu kapan aku
lelah berdiri, hingga tulang benulangku tak lagi sanggup menahan rangka, hingga
tubuhku terkapar, dan disaat kau menyadari adanya aku, aku sudah tidak ada
disana, lapuk terkubur tanah.
Selasa, 04 September 2012
Tanpa arah
Lama tangan ini yang tak merangkai kata. Kehidupan yang
seperti apa ini? Berdiri tegak, berjalan tanpa arah, menunggu sang waktu yang
menentukan arah? Inikah hidup yang sesungguhnya? Ketika mimpi menyerah pada
satu keadaan. Merasa diri tak mampu karena memang tak mampu. Semangat
terkalahkan ketakutan, keyakinan terpatahkan keraguan, optimisme berbuah
kegagalan lagi dan lagi, lalu mana yang disebut sebuah keberhasilan ketika
menemukan dunia yang kau impikan, saat itu pula kau meragukan duniamu. Inikah
yang disebut mimpi? Berani bermimpi setiggi tingginya, namun sekali lagi dihadapkan oleh kenyataan bahwa kau tak cukup
mampu. Dulu ku punya impian menggebu, dulu kuberani bermimpi
setinggi-tingginya, dulu…dulu sekali, aku tak pernah mengingatnya, lalu kemana
impian itu sekarang pergi? Kemana impian tinggi yang dulu terbayang kini
menjelma bayang bayang abu… Ketakutan, keresahan, realita, mengubah dunia yang
kau impikan menjadi seonggok debu yang kelabu. Tapi inilah dunia, seberapa
beranikah kau bertahan pada impian impianmu?
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Ketika Ku Jatuh Cinta
Ingatkah kau pada malam berbintang di tengah kebisingan deru
mesin? Disana, disaat kita berdua menikmati rembulan yang redup oleh mendung.
Ketika kurasakan getar bergemuruh lirih. Namun menguat seiring letupan Guntur
yang mengarak uap air. Sedetik berselang rintik rintik menggelitik tubuh yang
Dan hatiku tak lagi gersang. Dingin mencekam terasa
menyejukkan, rembulan redup telah menerang. Getar getar menjalar. Tetes-tetes
air meresap. Menyejukkan tiap pori yang mengering. Meski hanya berteman dengan
deru angin tanpa suara. Meski kau membisu. Teka-teki terbaca di kedua mata itu.
Apakah yang kurasakan ini, kau rasakan juga?
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012
Ku Ingin Kau Untukku
Argha tak pernah menyadari,
kapan rasa itu telah datang? Yang ia tahu hanyalah, rasa bahagia saat melihat
senyum manis Pungky, terbayang selalu hangat candanya, serta debaran hati yang
kian tak menentu kala dekat dengannya. Tersirat tanya mungkinkah ia untukku?
Argha merenung, bayangan tentang hari-hari yang sudah ia lalui bersama Pungky
kembali terbayang. Masa-masa bercanda bersama, bahkan mengenang hal-hal yang
sangat kecil sekalipun. Tak jarang Argha sering terlihat tersenyum sendiri
tanpa maksud yang jelas. Apakah ia telah jatuh cinta?
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Seharusnya Adin merayakan kebahagiaannya. Ia baru saja
mendapatkan pacar baru. Tapi entah apa yang terjadi, ia malah tak menyukai
keadaan ini. Tadinya ia adalah seorang gadis biasa, sampai akhirnya Regha
menjadi pacarnya, membuatnya dalam sekejap naik daun.
Yang terkenal sebenarnya bukanlah Adin,
melainkan Regha. Tak dapat disangkal Regha memang tipe lelaki idaman, segalanya
ia punya. Kecakepan, kekayaan, ketenaran, tak heran jika Regha selalu dikelilingi
banyak fans. Itulah yang membuat Adin tidak merasakan kenyamanan. Kemanapun ia
berada seolah banyak mata menatapnya sadis, dengan pandangan iri, mencela,
serta merendahkan.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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“Apakah kamu masih belum bisa membuka
hati?” tanya Reihan sekali lagi.
Dan hatiku kembali meragu. Untuk yang
kesekian kalinya, ia ungkapkan rasa itu, namun aku belum juga memberinya
jawaban. Aku tak mampu menjawab antara menolak ataukah menerima cintanya.
Aku tak ingin menerima karena hati ini
masih meragu, dan aku tak pula ingin menolaknya karena jauh di dasar lubuk
hatiku, aku meginginkannya. Namun aku juga tak mampu jika harus membuatnya
menunggu. Butuh berapa banyak waktu lagi? Dan apakah Reihan akan masih tetap
setia menungguku sampai kumantapkan hati.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Serpihan Hati
♥Y Serpihan Hati Y♥
Aku menyadari memang akan seperti ini jadinya. Kuharus
menunggu lagi dan lagi. Kadang rasa lelah ini memaksaku untuk berhenti menanti,
menghapus segala mimpi dan anganku untuk memilikinya, namun ku tak mampu.
Karena…ku sudah terlanjur terjebak dalam kisah yang sama sekali tak kuketahui
bagaimana akhirnya nanti, dan memaksaku untuk tetap bertahan, menunggu waktu
yang kan
menjawab semuanya.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Ku Tak Pernah Pahami
Cinta itu rumit...
Cinta itu membingungkan...
Cinta itu serba salah...
Diungkapkan salah...
Dipendam terasa sakit...
Aku lelah sekali jika membicarakan masalah cinta. Karena cinta tak akan ada habisnya untuk diceritakan. Dan dari sekian banyak cerita, aku tak pernah sekalipun merasakan kisah cinta yang membahagiakan, tak pernah sekalipun! Kisah cintaku selalu saja seperti ini setiap harinya. Hanya mampu menatapnya dari kejauhan, memujanya dalam diam, dan selalu penuh harapan-harapan yang tak akan pernah terwujud setiap harinya.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Senin, 27 Agustus 2012
Bunga Keabadian
*Ini adalah cerpen pertamaku yang dimuat di majalah sekolah SMAN 2 Malang Sketsa Vol 6 November 2006. Walaupun masih cupu tulisannya tapi berkat cerpen yang dimuat ini memberikan semangat buatku dan memberanikanku untuk terus bermimpi menjadi penulis.
Aku melihat bunga di halaman rumahku tampak layu. Hari ini aku mendengar sebuah kabar baik dn kabar buruk. Kabar baiknya aku naik kelas, kabar buruknya aku harus berpisah dengan Chika dan Vinny. Mereka tetap satu kelas, sedangkan aku di kelas yang berbeda dengan mereka. Jujur saja aku merasa tersisih, walaupun mereka berkali-kali mengatakan perbedaan kelas tak jadi masalah, kami tetap bersahabat. Namun tetap saja aku kecewa. Dalam hatiku bertanya-tanya kenapa harus aku yang terpisah sendiri.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012
'Ruang Rindu' Kembali Mengumpulkan Kepingan Mimpi
*cover novel 'Ruang Rindu' yang kuikutkan dalam lomba resmi rilis di Berbekal photoshop dan gambar di google, saya mencoba membuat ilustrasi cover calon novel saya sendiri.
Rasanya sudah sekian lama aku tak lagi menggoreskan tinta penaku pada sebuah lembaran kertas. Rasanya lama sekali aku terpuruk karena kegagalan sehingga membuatku takut untuk kembali berkarya. Lalu kurasakan dorongan kuat pada diriku bahwa aku rindu menulis, rindu berkhayal, rindu menikmati sensasi ketika aku merangkai kata demi kata, bab demi bab hingga terbentuklah suatu rangkaian cerita. Tapi sekali lagi aku belum punya cukup keberanian. Ditambah kesibukanku sebagai mahasiswa semester akhir yang disibukkan oleh tugas-tugas yang semakin banyak setiap harinya sehingga manajemen waktuku untuk menulis sangat berantakan.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Sinopsis 'Ruang Rindu' Chapter 2
Entah ada angin dari mana yang membuat mama dan papa Lexa meneleponnya, mengajaknya makan malam di sebuah restaurant ternama. Hal yang sangat jarang mereka lakukan. Dalam hati Lexa dipenuhi tanda tanya besar. Apa yang mereka inginkan darinya? Segala macam pikiran buruk berkelebat.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Sinopsis 'Ruang Rindu' Chapter 1
Lexa melangkah perlahan menelusuri sudut galeri, menikmati keindahan seni pameran lukisan karya pelukis-pelukis muda. Beragam aliran lukisan yang dipamerkan, masing-masing lukisan menyimpan karakteristik keindahan tersendiri. Di tengah menikati mahakarya, kedua mata Lexa terpaku pada sebuah lukisan keluarga. Di dalam sana terlukis seorang ayah, ibu dan anak kecil tertawa riang menikmati piknik di sebuah taman. Ketiganya tertawa riang. Tanpa ia sadari kedua tangannya meraih lukisan itu, merabanya sesaat, lalu tersenyum getir ketika menyadari bahwa dia tak lagi punya keluarga, ayah dan ibu yang dia rindukan kini sudah berbahagia dengan kehidupannya masing-masing. Tinggallah Lexa bertemankan sepi, karena kemanapun ia mencari kebahagiaan, ia tak pernah dapatkan. Karena baginya satu-satu kebahagiaan adalah kembali memiliki keluarga yang utuh. Ayah dan Ibu yang bersedia mencurahkan segala kasih sayangnya kepada Lexa. Ayah dan Ibu yang selalu mendukung dan memberi semangat ketika Lexa jatuh. Ayah dan Ibu yang selalu memberinya nasehat tentang kehidupan. Sayangnya, Lexa tak pernah mendapatkan semua itu.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Sinopsis 'Ruang Rindu'
Di sebuah galeri, Lexa tersentuh melihat sebuah lukisan berjudul “Ruang Rindu”. Di dalam lukisan itu tergambar tanah lapang menghijau dipenuhi bunga edelways, di sudut gambar tergambar sosok cewek yang tak nyata, hanya berupa bayang. Lukisan itu seolah bercerita tentang kerinduan yang mendalam, namun sosok cewek yang dirindukan seolah hanya berupa bayang-bayang tak terjangkau. Lexa menatap lukisan itu lekat dan lama seolah ia juga merasakan hal yang sama. Dia merindukan kasih sayang, hal yang abstrak dan tak terjangkau. Disudut lukisan itu tertulis judul dan nama si pelukis. “Ruang Rindu” by Aditya.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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The Analysis of Gazebo by Raymond Carver
This story uses some symbolisms, there are the gazebo, the whiskey, and the old man. First I want to discuss concerning to the gazebo. This gazebo pretty has deep meaning for Holly since the 'gazebo' uses as a title for this story. The condition of the gazebo in this story was quite worn out such as had a little peaked roof and the paint were gone and there were these weeds growing up over the steps. Although this gazebo has an ugly appearance, this gazebo has a magnificent side which is full of happiness. Holly has been tired to manage the motel due to her husband has been disappointed her. She did not have any wealthy and having much money; she just want to get happiness from her marriage. She just want to live peacefully with her husband. The gazebo which is pictured as worn out represents the condition of Holly's marriage. Basically, gazebo is a small building that is use for refreshing in the garden. By looking at the function of the gazebo, it is a place for spent the time with full of joy. However, the condition of the gazebo which no longer in a good condition, it indicates that the harmony of Holly's marriage was broken. It proves that from the story we knew that Holly did not happy with her marriage, her husband has disappointed her.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Race, Ethnicity and Nationality in the novel ‘Bumi Manusia’ (The Earth of Mankind) by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
By: Mustika Nur Amalia and Karnia Putri P.
Literary works is one of the cultural products. For the author who creates literary works such as novel, they will explore their knowledge and experience in their work. In this paper, we will focus on analyzing a novel entitled ‘The Earth of Mankind’ (Bumi Manusia) by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. We are interested in analyzing this novel since this novel represents how European treated Javanese race and how the differences in Race, Ethnicity and Nationality creates social gap between European as the colonizer and Javanese as the colonized side.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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God Made Me This Way by Grant Bentley and History of Gay Literature in Australia
By: Mustika Nur Amalia
(History of English Literature)
The terms of LGBTQ issue are really complicated to learn. Since mainstream acceptable sexuality is heterosexual therefore the existence deviant sexuality such as LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) is marginalized. In Australia, the society is more tolerant toward LGBTQ issue but the law which is under British Commonwealth and still holding Christian value cannot legalize gay marriage. Australia today is a diverse multi-cultural society with many fairly well-accepted non-traditional lifestyles, including gay ones ( However, the cases of discrimination toward LGBTQ still exist in the society due to religion reason. The case of discrimination toward gay due to religion reason is pictured in the Bentley’s ‘God Made Me This Way’. The story tells about the main character ‘I’ who always go to church and from Pastor John point of view, everything that he did, God hates. It shows that the character ‘I’ being marginalized based on religion. Before we going further in analyzing the story deeper, let me give overview about the history of LGBTQ and LGBTQ literature in Australia.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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A Gay Feeling represented in the poem entitled ‘Hurt to be Gay’
Gender and Literature Studies
by: Mustika, Hening, Imam
Gender has been defined as in terms of status, sex roles, and sexual stereotypes (Hawkesworth, 1997: 652). Hawkesworth (1997) mentions that Joan Scott defines gender as a concept involving two interrelated but analytically distinct part. He continues ‘Gender is a constitutive element of social relationships based on perceived differences between the sexes, and gender is a primary way of signifying relationship of power’. Gender deal with masculinity and femininity. Hirschfeld and Ulrichs introduce the term of ‘normal’ that masculine men and feminine women were thought to be ideal types, the opposing poles of a continuum of human sexual and gender expression. Heggie (2004) also depicted that the image of masculinity in The Sowdone of Babylone as knights are constructed as masculine when they are in a heroic, knightly role. Moreover, she continues state that women are depicted as feminine when they perform the roles of daughter, mother, servant or wife, but when they move beyond these functions in order to aid knights, fight or promote Christianity their identity becomes more problematic. The problem came when the concept of boys should be masculine and women should be feminine not placed in the right discourse. For instance, if we found that a boy who is feminine sides more dominant than masculine sides or vice-versa, our point of view looking at them as strange. Thus, ambiguity in gender identity emerge alternative sexuality such as LGBTQ exist which considered deviant or pathological since the groups of that people not follow Heteronormativity that accepted in the society. Sexuality is related to sexual orientation whether homosexual and heterosexual. In this paper, our focus concern in homosexuality as one of the alternative sexuality that would be interesting to discuss. Is that homosexuality choices? To find the answer, we would like to analyze the poem ‘Hurt to be Gay’, and how this poem is pictured a gay feeling.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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The Concept of Hero Characters in Greek Mythologies
By: Mustika Nur Amalia
(Greek Mythology)
In this paper I would like to analyze some hero characters in Greek mythology through the story of Heracle (Hercules) and The Twelve Labors and I will compare to the other stories such as Perseus and Medusa and Odysseus. From these three stories have the resemblance characteristic about the concept of Hero in Greek Mythology. The questions which are needed to be answered are that what is the concept of Hero characters depicted in Hercules, Perseus, and Odysseus? What the characteristic of Hero character in these three stories? Why Hero is always identical to almighty? Before we going further let me define what is hero. Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary defines "hero as: a) "a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability, b) an illustrious warrior, c) a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities, d) one that shows great courage." In some myths, in fact, the hero literally descends into the fabled Underworld in order to retrieve a lover, friend, or relative (Leeming, 1990). Yet this hero, again, journeys not for himself but for others, even when going into the darkest regions of Hades.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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‘200 Pounds Beauty’ Representation of Cosmetic Surgery as Pop Culture in South Korea
By: Mustika Nur Amalia
(Cultural Studies)
This paper is written in order to fulfill the final project of ‘Cultural Studies’. My topic in this subject would like to analyze the phenomena of cosmetic surgery become pop culture in Korea and its represented through the movie ‘200 Pound Beauty’. I interested in choosing this topic because recently the issue of Korean Hallyu (Korean wave) explosion becoming trends issue that would be interesting to discuss. The effect of Korean wave causes the internet media expose the facts about Korea. For instance, one of the web mentioned that according to a thesis by Um Hyun-shin at South Korea's Kyung Hee University's clothing and textiles department, 77.5 percent of a total of 810 female respondents over the age of 18 said during a survey conducted last September 2007 they wanted cosmetic surgery, while 62 percent of women in their late 20s have already undergone cosmetic surgery and for men reach 40%, the survey shows. Based on the survey result we know that how massive number of Korean women who have been undergone cosmetic surgery proves that cosmetic surgery have been become pop culture among Korean. Before we going further, let us know the definition of pop culture first. Storey (2010) define pop culture is simply culture that is widely favoured or well like by many people. Pop culture spread through media such as music, cinema, performing art, crafting, etc. Mcdonald argues that modern technology also created new media such as the movies and television which are specially well adapted to mass manufacture and distribution (Rosenberg & white, 59). Therefore, my research question that would be answered in this study is ‘how cosmetic surgery is condoned through ‘200 Pounds Beauty?’ My first point of view is cosmetic surgery condoned through ‘200 Pounds Beauty’ because cosmetic surgery have become popular culture and common phenomena in Korea as the product of cultural practice. Through ‘200 Pounds Beauty’, the movie want to give the information about cosmetic surgery as one of the examples of cultural phenomenon in entertainment industry. There are two reasons why I argue that cosmetic surgery as the product of cultural practice.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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The Picture of Ugly Woman Means Powerless in Korean Movie entitled ‘200 Pounds Beauty’
By: Mustika Nur Amalia
(Gender and Literature Studies)
(Gender and Literature Studies)
This Essay is written in order to fulfill the final project of the subject ‘Gender and Literature Studies’. The main focus of this essay is to discuss the ugly women that depicted in the ‘200 pounds beauty’ since this movie highlight the pain of Hana as the main character who is considered ugly because she is fat. The terms of ‘fat’ here give the message to women that women should not be ‘fat’ to be beauty. This issue is one of the practices of women as sex object that demands the women to be concern about their body. In 1913, Webster’s dictionary defined beauty as “properties pleasing the eye, the ear, the intellect, the aesthetic faculty or the moral sense.” But in 2004, the default definition of beauty has shriveled pitifully (Etcoff, 2004:4). However, nowadays the concept of beauty more concern about physical appearance. Wood states in his article entitled ‘Perceptions of Female Beauty in the 20th Century’ that definition of beauty in the 20th century, when referring to human physical beauty, are nearly always constructed in terms of outward appearance and sexual attractiveness. Etcoff (2004) also argues that beauty is visual; in fact, it is the same visual – the eye popping features and stunning proportions of a few hand-picked beauty icons. Orbach (2004) also mentioned that women of all ages and classes want to claim beauty for themselves, there has been an insidious narrowing of the beauty aesthetic to a limited physical type – thin, tall – which inevitably excludes millions and millions of women. Being beauty gives the women more power to reach all the qualities based on Orbach (2004) statement that women regard being beautiful as the result of qualities and circumstance: being loved, being engaged in activities that one wants to do, having a close relationship, being happy, being kind, having confidence, exuding dignity and humor. These are the things that women want to reach by being beauty. How if the women cannot fulfill the concept of beauty? In the movie ‘200 Pounds Beauty’ clearly portrays that ugly is powerless for women. There are three reasons why ugly is powerless for the women that will be explained in the next paragraphs.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Comparison between The Value of Geisha and Ronggeng as Represented by Golden’s Memoirs of Geisha and Tohari’s Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk
By Mustika Nur Amalia
(Comparative Literature Studies)
In this paper, I would like to analyze two novels entitled Memoirs of Geisha by Arthur Golden and Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohari. I am interested in choosing these novels since this novel as representation the image of Geisha and Ronggeng in different value. Another reason, I found that these two novels have the same idea in creating the concept of Geisha and Ronggeng which is basically an artist who learn traditional culture in each area where the two novels are written. These two novels also reach a lot of achievements since they were published. As it mentioned in bibliography of Arthur Golden, this novel sold more than four million copies in English alone in a little over three years and has been translated into thirty-three languages. Ahmad Tohari’s work also becomes a master piece of Indonesian literature which explores the traditional value in Dukuh Paruk. Memoirs of Geisha is published in 1997 and adapted into a movie in 2005. Whereas Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk is published in 1987 and adapted into a movie in 2011. Before we going further, in these two novels found similarity between cultural concept of Geisha and Ronggeng. Both of them, Geisha and Ronggeng are identical to prostitution connotation. However there are also found the different values stereotype between Geisha and Ronggeng. Geisha is assume as negative in the perspective of the Golden’s Memoirs of Geisha, while Ronggeng is more acceptable and have positive values in Java society. The values of Geisha and Ronggeng are determined by the point of view of the writer in creating the image of Geisha and Ronggeng. Detail explanation about the similarity between Geisha and Ronggeng which has connotation as prostitute will discuss in the next paragraphs.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Masculinity and Femininity Represented in Advertisements
What can you see from these picture?
essay is written in order to answer midterm question. From some questions that
offered, my paper is going to answer second question, analyze a set of
advertisements or a television drama that construct femininity and masculinity.
How are gendered identities achieved? What techniques used? And what roles
assigned to men and women? My analysis will be focused on advertisements.
Nowosenetz (2007) stated that within the lifestyle depicted in the
advertisement, there may also be an identity and a specific gender identity
that the reader may be encouraged to incorporate in order to achieve the
lifestyle associated with the advertised product. She continues advertising in
general has often been implicated in constructing masculinity, and in
particular, femininity in narrow or restricted ways. Since, media has important
role in construct gender identity in the context of visual and build the
perception toward the society about the concept of gender, therefore it is
needed to analyze advertisement in the way how the advertisement represent the
concept of gender perception and in what way the advertisement differ the concept
masculinity and femininity. Some advertisements that I want to analyze are
‘axe’ perfume, djarum super cigarettes, and ponds flawless white.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Australia Scenery
the poem Australian Scenery, Banjo mentioned that the most important part or
icon of Australia geography is the mountain and the plain. It means that in
Australia mostly the land consists of the mountains and the plains. The
depiction of mountains in Australia described in the first, second and third
stanza. The next, about the plains in Australia depicted in fourth, five, and
sixth stanza. Now let us make possible interpretation towards Australian Scenery
poem that discussed in the next paragraphs.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Setetes Kesejukan
Sangat gersang
Hingga tak menyisakan tempat
Untuk tempat berseminya cinta
Hanya lahan untuk tumbuhnya kaktus berduri
Yang melukai setiap cinta yang mendekat
Hingga cinta itu menjauh pergi
Aku bahagia jika cinta itu menjauh
Aku bahagia hidup seperti ini
Bebas dan lepas
Karena aku tak ingin jatuh lagi
Hanya karena cinta bodoh
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Eurydice and Orpheus
Be warned: this story is beautiful but tragic. It begins with Orpheus, the best musician that ever lived. One strum of his lyre, one note sung, and beasts would crawl to him, rocks would shift their moss to move to be closer, trees would tear their roots to be closer to him. He had more power than a mortal man ought to for he was the son of the Muse Calliope.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Penelitian di Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta
Pelatihan Pengambilan Data Buku Ajar SMP
Disusun untuk Memenuhi Tugas Bidang Pembinaan Bahasa
Meidita Kusuma W./309222416885
Mustika Nur Amalia/309222422867
Mustika Nur Amalia
Label: Magang
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Loneliness: A failure to Achieve Perfection in Life as represented in James Joyce’s A Painful Case
By: Mustika Nur Amalia
Comparative Literature Studies
Comparative Literature Studies
This paper is written in order to fulfill the task from ‘Development of Literature Division’ at Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta. The aim of the paper is to seek local wisdom in certain literary work then relate it to the Javanese tradition. Literary work that would be analyzed in this paper is James Joyce’s short story entitled ‘A Painful Case’. I choose this work because this story is highlighted the painfulness of the main character when Duffy chose to live in isolation far away from the society’s feast. Aristotle, a philosopher stated that human is zoon politicon means that human as social beings. Social life cannot be separated from human nature. We can learn from Aristotle’s theory that human beings have tendency to live with others in order to achieve perfection in life. Human cannot live individually so that they need others to survive. In short, by having good social life, the perfection in life will be fulfilled and they will be experienced good life. Therefore, as human being we tend to live in group. However, in the story told that the main character named Duffy choose to live individually. The tone of the story is dominated by sorrowfulness, painfulness, loneliness, and how frightened being isolated that experienced by Duffy. The story try to picture how dreadful when the human avoid to be social being through Duffy’s life experience. I have two reasons why being isolated is dreadful that will be discussed in the next paragraphs.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Sempu Island Adventure
Pulau Sempu adalah salah satu objek wisata yang memukau di daerah Malang. Lihat saja sekilas ganbar di samping. Langit biru memukau dengan air laut yang tenang dikelilingi pulau-pulau kecil. Yup, ini adalah segara anakan. Untuk mencpai tempat ini pun butuh perjuangan keras. Oleh sebab itulah objek wisata ini kita pilih untuk menghabiskan liburan akhir semester 4. Rencananya kita akan camping di segara anakan. Sesuai jadwal kita berangkat dari Malang kota menuju pantai Sendang Biru membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 2-3 jam. Berangkat jam 15:00 diperkirakan sampai sana jam 17:00. Menyeberang laut sendang biru ke pulau sempu selama 15 menit naik perahu. Lalu mulai menelusuri pulau sempu menuju segara anakan selama 3jam jika lancar. Karena musim hujan dan jalanan becek, paling tidak diperkirakan butuh waktu 5 jam. Sampai di segara anakan nanti kira-kira pukul 23.00. Lalu akan mendirikan tenda dan menginap sehari disana. Perlengkapan semua sudah dipersiapkan.
Mustika Nur Amalia
Label: My Adventure
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Label: My Adventure
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Annabel Lee by Edgar Alan Poe
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Label: poem , Puisi
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As I Grew Older by Langston Hughes
It was a long time ago
I have almost forgotten my dream
But it was there then
In front of me
Bright like a sun
My dream,
And then the wall rose,
Rose slowly
Between me and my dream,
Rose, until it touched the sky…
The wall
I am Black
I lie down in the Shadow,
No longer the light of my dream before me,
Above me,
Only the thick wall
Only the shadow
My hands!
Break through the wall!
Find my dream!
Help me to shatter this darkness
To smash this night
To break this shadow
Into a thousand light of sun,
Into a thousand whirling dreams
Of sun!
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Love Song for Lucinda by Langston Hughes
Is a ripe plum
Growing on a purple tree
Taste it once
And the spell of its enchantments
Will never let you be
Love is a bright star
Glowing in far Southern skies
Look too hard
And its burning flame
Will always hurt your eyes
Is a high mountain
Stark in a windy sky
If you
Would never lose your breath
Do not climb to high
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Ku Ingin
karya : Sapardi Djoko Samono
Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan
kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu
Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana
dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan
awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan
kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu
Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana
dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan
awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Dalam Diriku
karya : Sapardi Djoko Samono
dalam diriku mengalir
sungai panjang
darah namanya…
sungai panjang
darah namanya…
dalam diriku menggenang
telaga darah
sukma namanya…
telaga darah
sukma namanya…
dalam diriku meriak
gelombang suara
hidup namanya…
gelombang suara
hidup namanya…
dan karena hidup itu indah
aku menangis sepuas-puasnya…
aku menangis sepuas-puasnya…
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Sajak Kecil Tentang Cinta
karya : Sapardi Djoko Samono
mencintai angin harus menjadi siut
mencintai air harus menjadi ricik
mencintai gunung harus menjadi terjal
mencintai api harus menjadi jilat
mencintai cakrawala harus menebas jarak
mencintaiMu harus menjadi aku
mencintai angin harus menjadi siut
mencintai air harus menjadi ricik
mencintai gunung harus menjadi terjal
mencintai api harus menjadi jilat
mencintai cakrawala harus menebas jarak
mencintaiMu harus menjadi aku
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Grief by Anton Chekov
The turner, Grigory Petrov, who had been known for years past as a splendid craftsman, and at the same time as the most senseless peasant in the Galtchinskoy district, was taking his old woman to the hospital. He had to drive over twenty miles, and it was an awful road. A government post driver could hardly have coped with it, much less an incompetent sluggard like Grigory. A cutting cold wind was blowing straight in his face. Clouds of snowflakes were whirling round and round in all directions, so that one could not tell whether the snow was falling from the sky or rising from the earth. The fields, the telegraph posts, and the forest could not be seen for the fog of snow. And when a particularly violent gust of wind swooped down on Grigory, even the yoke above the horse's head could not be seen. The wretched, feeble little nag crawled slowly along. It took all its strength to drag its legs out of the snow and to tug with its head. The turner was in a hurry. He kept restlessly hopping up and down on the front seat and lashing the horse's back.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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A Painful Case by James Joyce
MR. JAMES DUFFY lived in Chapelizod because he wished to live as far as possible from the city of which he was a citizen and because he found all the other suburbs of Dublin mean, modern and pretentious. He lived in an old sombre house and from his windows he could look into the disused distillery or upwards along the shallow river on which Dublin is built. The lofty walls of his uncarpeted room were free from pictures. He had himself bought every article of furniture in the room: a black iron bedstead, an iron washstand, four cane chairs, a clothes- rack, a coal-scuttle, a fender and irons and a square table on which lay a double desk. A bookcase had been made in an alcove by means of shelves of white wood. The bed was clothed with white bedclothes and a black and scarlet rug covered the foot. A little hand-mirror hung above the washstand and during the day a white-shaded lamp stood as the sole ornament of the mantelpiece. The books on the white wooden shelves were arranged from below upwards according to bulk. A complete Wordsworth stood at one end of the lowest shelf and a copy of the Maynooth Catechism, sewn into the cloth cover of a notebook, stood at one end of the top shelf. Writing materials were always on the desk. In the desk lay a manuscript translation of Hauptmann's Michael Kramer, the stage directions of which were written in purple ink, and a little sheaf of papers held together by a brass pin. In these sheets a sentence was inscribed from time to time and, in an ironical moment, the headline of an advertisement for Bile Beans had been pasted on to the first sheet. On lifting the lid of the desk a faint fragrance escaped -- the fragrance of new cedarwood pencils or of a bottle of gum or of an overripe apple which might have been left there and forgotten.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Gazebo by Raymond Carver
That morning she pours Teacher's over my belly and licks it off. That afternoon she tries to jump out the window.
I go, "Holly, this can't continue. This has got to stop."
We are sitting on the sofa in one of the upstairs suites. There were any number of vacancies to choose from. But we needed a suite, a place to move around in and be able to talk. So we'd locked up the motel office that morning and gone upstairs to a suite.
She goes, "Duane, this is killing me."
We are drinking Teacher's with ice and water. We'd slept awhile between morning and afternoon. Then she was out of bed and threatening to climb out the window in her undergarments. I had to get her in a hold. We were only two floors up. But even so.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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God Made Me this Way By Grant Bentley
*This is a short story that I have analysed in post entitled "God Made Me this Way by Grant Bentley and History of Gay Literature in Australia"
This story is written from a Christian perspective. If your beliefs or non-beliefs would make this offensive to you then you might not want to read it.
If any nice person, nasty person, place, event, happening, thing or sport seems familiar, it is purely coincidental.
It’s Sunday morning and once again I’m being dragged off to church. I hate going to church. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate God. I just hate going to church – or, at least, Pastor John’s church. Pastor John has been our pastor for about four months now. He’s nothing like our old pastor, Pastor Robert, who is one of the kindest, gentlest, most caring men I know. Pastor John, on the other hand, is the coldest, meanest, most hateful man I know. According to Pastor John, everything I am, and almost everything I do, God hates.
If any nice person, nasty person, place, event, happening, thing or sport seems familiar, it is purely coincidental.
It’s Sunday morning and once again I’m being dragged off to church. I hate going to church. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate God. I just hate going to church – or, at least, Pastor John’s church. Pastor John has been our pastor for about four months now. He’s nothing like our old pastor, Pastor Robert, who is one of the kindest, gentlest, most caring men I know. Pastor John, on the other hand, is the coldest, meanest, most hateful man I know. According to Pastor John, everything I am, and almost everything I do, God hates.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Later by Michael Foster
It 's strange, the things you remember. When life has
crumbled suddenly, and left you standing there, alone. It's not the big
important things that you remember when you come to that: not the plans of the
years, not the love nor the hopes you 've worked so hard for. It's the little
things you that you remember then: the little things you hadn't noticed at the time.
The way a hand touched yours, and you too busy to notice; the hopeful little
inflection of a voice you didn't really bother to listen to.
John Carmody found that out, staring through the living-room
window at the cheerful Tuesday-afternoon life of the street. He kept trying to
think about the big, important things, lost now and the years and the plans and
the hopes. And the love. But he couldn't quite get them focused sharply in his
mind just now. Not this afternoon.
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Naskah RRI (Asuhan Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta)
Acara : Khazanah Budaya
Edisi :
Durasi : 60 menit
Hari : Kamis
Tanggal : 7 Juni 2011
Topik : Menulis Bagi Pemula
Naskah : Mustika Nur Amalia
Narasumber : 1. Mustika Nur Amalia
2. Ines Faradina
01. Tune :Fade in Fade out
02. Penyiar : Selamat sore, Saudara pendengar yang berbahagia, berjumpa lagi dengan saya selama 60 menit ke depan saya akan menemani Saudara pendengar dalam acara Khazanah Budaya asuhan Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta melalui Pro-4 FM, RRI Yogyakarta, edisi Kamis 7 Juni 2012. Pendengar, di edisi kali ini kita akan membahas topik yang sangat menarik, yaitu “Menulis Bagi Pemula”. Di studio telah hadir dua narasumber, yang pertama Mbak Mustika dan Mbak Ines. Bagi pendengar yang ingin megetahui tips-tips mengatasi penyakit bagi penulis pemula serta bagaimana menulis prosa, baik novel atau cerpen yang baik, tetap setia di RRI Pro-4 FM. Sebelum kita memulai dialog kita sore ini, mari kita simak satu lagu berikut ‘Marcell dengan Firasat’.
Mustika Nur Amalia
Label: Magang , Tips Menulis Novel
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Label: Magang , Tips Menulis Novel
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Menulis Novel jilid 2
Contoh :
1. Di sebuah sekolah di Jakarta. Pagi itu para murid
kelihatan mulai dengan aktititasnya sehari-hari; Ada yang berangkat secara
sendiri-sendiri atau rombongan. Tiba-tiba Arjun beserta ganknya, datang dengan
mobil yang soundsystemnya digeber keras-keras seolah-olah dia mau memamerkan apa
yang dia punya. Selain Arjun ada Joni yang playboy, Bocel si tukang pukul, dan
juga Robi yang cuma pinter dalam teori cinta tapi terus ngejomblo. Arjun adalah
putera tunggak ketua yayasan sekolah. Ekspresi bermacam-macam dari penghuni
sekolah terhadap Arjun ada yang cuek,sinis bahkan simpati. Termasuk kelompok
remaja putri yang dikomandani Tari Ogut (nama beken dari Tari Wulandari karena
ada nama murid yang hampir sama dengannya yakni Tari Sukmaningsih). Gang Tari
terdiri dari Tari, Lina “Oneng” Nurlina, dan Setyowati si Jawir. (Ada potensi
Mustika Nur Amalia
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Menulis novel jilid 1
Membuat novel memang sudah pasti akan membutuhkan energi dan
waktu yang lebih banyak dibandingkan membuat tulisan pendek seperti cerpen atau
artikel. Secara garis besar yang perlu dilakukan dalam menulis novel – atau
buku – adalah:
* Langkah pertama: mencari/mendapatkan ide
* Langkah kedua: ide dikembangkan menjadi sinopsis. Di tahap
ini kita juga sudah harus menentukan karakteristik para tokohnya.
* Langkah ketiga: sinopsis dikembangkan menjadi storyline
* Langkah keempat: storyline dikembangkan menjadi draft awal
* Langkah kelima: draft awal disempurnakan untuk menjadi
draft akhir
Mustika Nur Amalia
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